While it's nice to have finally had a conversation and been listened to by my direct supervisor, it should not have taken an entire week to get thru to him, and the root causes of the nonsense and the bullshit are still the same, if i feel that i am not supported by him and by other staff and that the inmates are still running the asylum then it's time to make myself heard, there is only so much verbal abuse one can take and when one is hearing office politics out the mouths of a client that's fucking bullshit, that means someone is not choosing their words carefully and allowing themselves to be overheard, but that's par for the course, any negotiating with this brats leads to failure because they are going to manipulate to get what they want always, of course I'm still referring to it as a fucking daycare, i mean maybe i should bring diaper's and nappy's to work and coddle these kids even more and let them walk all over me, because at the end of the day if it's quiet and they are hidden away from society that's all that's wanted and needed.... and i am sick to death about hearing about their make belief rights Newsflash Kiddos, i grew u8p in the system and i went to school for 3 years to know exactly what your rights are.. i know them better than you do, so the next time you want to tell me what your imaginary rights are you better check that they are a right, because last time I checked, having a television wasn't a right, going out on Christmas day with a staff that doesn't drive, isn't a right, these are things we do because we want to, you want to be verbally abusive to me and then expect these things, i don't fucking think so.... i have rules to follow regarding your rights but don't try and strong arm me with your nonsense thinking I'm gonna break, when it's time for me to break I'll walk away but it won't have anything to do with anything you've said or done to me at all. you're words can't hurt me because believe it or not I understand your situation more than i will ever allow you to know.
Current Mood: Exhausted.
It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. Everything burns!