Somwhow even on a peaceful night at work I feel i'm going backwards slowly in reverse, there is nothing left to accomplish here and when you see the future in your eyes and all you see is another year of a souless exsitense at this job, I've long given up hope of making a diffrence at the house, and the fact that the boss who has less tenure than me with the organizationd efers to me on a lot of things because i am better at manageing shit than he is confusing and very telling, I don't mind helping but how about a promotion and a raise and not just lip service? of course that won't happen because i'm just placeholding for the moment. they won't actually admit they fucking need me, and when money is the ultimate god i worry about the kids safety amongst other things.... it's winter... why these kids are getting some BS about a budget for clothing when it's clear they need winter clothing and boots and theirs a fucking value village 5 blocks away is beyond me... Some things I'll never fucking understand... but i remeber wearing rags at Haydon..... some things never change.
Current Mood: frustrated.
The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse.