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Mindcrime V

I think it's fucking time for me to set a date and move on even if it means quitting for justifibale reasons and collecting ei after i get thru the xmas season. I do not agree that when a child is breaking into someone else's house and being pyshcially voilent we should be keeping it internal esp. after said child has been caught crafting shanks with razors, I don't think that this creates a safe work enviorment nor is it a safe home for the other children, threats of retalitation from management for speaking out towards police and other authorities isn't just wrong and illegal it's criminal, and I won't stand for it.. when children are beng left behind and don't have proper winter clothing, and are being nickel and dimed for food as well, where are all the real brands of food not this no name shit? I don't feed my son No name and I have a lot smaller food budget than the fucking home. the cracks aren't cracks in the system here they are gigantic and criminal holes in the fucking walls. when the biggist concern isn't medication but the way i got into the lock up maybe you should be fucking providing me the other half of the two people on your full time payrool with a fucking key so when we are dealing with an issue on shift change that keys don't get forgotten, i'm not going to have a potentionally violent client pacing the floor while i attempt to sleep because that's all you're fucking paying me for is a sleep shift... and the fact that wea re willing to invite back the other client who went to jail this weekend with open fucking arms like nothing has happened just because he keeps the house fucking profitable? It's sad, I did not sign up to be someone making minimum wage in a for profit group home, if I'm not making a diffrence in these kids lives i don't need to be there, and to striclty warehouse them without any motivators or any real enjoyment in their lifes is also bullshit... I think it's fucking wrong that their is a lack of any structure there and programming, the Inamte's run the asylum and tell us what to do.. that's wrong, but it's fucking endorsed by management who doesn;t give a fuck as long as he doesn't have to come in and we keep it internal, i'm sorry but keepiong it internal may be in the best interests of your wallet, but not mine, and my best intrest is always the best interest of that fucking child... no matter who he is. I am setting a date for changes or i am gone.

Current Mood: Advocating.
Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit


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