Why the fucking hell am I remaining at this job when it's killing me, body, heart mind and soul? you know that your whole fucking career is on life support when your boss is yelling and screaming at you and you are the sane one saying this isn't an approiate time and place to have an arguement, we are supposed to hold ourselves to a higher level than that, When the kids are watching they are seeing Mommy and daddy's struggle's for dominance all over agian, you are a parent too you should understand that, of course then agian, i UNDERESTIMATE YOU, IT'S NOT ABOUT HELPING THE KIDS IT'S ABOUT MAKING A BUCK AND MAKING YOUR GODDAMN JOB EASIER... IF A STAFF MEMBER IS DEATHLY ILL AND TRANSMITS IT TO THE kids it's his fault, but he had to come in because you couldn't take the fucking responsibilty to find him some relief... in what fucking pycho universe is it the sick indivuals reposnibility to let anyone other than his employer find relief for him? I seriously thought that during the course of our argument that you were going to hit me, i wish that you had, so i could have fallen down sick and sued you for everything you own. making kids go to school when they are ill is so healthy to, this was the first major challenge between us in the new year and it may be the last.... for once i know that i was the professional one and that the cancer is coming directly from the fucking top, you wonder why the morale at this fucking job is so horrible look at your fucking actions, the way you treat people. It's a wonder these kids aren't more insane than they are.. oh that's right you let them be coddled and do whatever they want and take out their actions on other staff because you deal with them the same way you deal with a employee with yelling, intimidation and the threat of pyshical violence in your tone.... If you want me gone, that's gonna come soon enough, I don't like the fact that less that an hour later you come back with a basic apology too... I've been in an abusive relationship or two before, I know exactly how that game works, It's time for me to examine other options and it's time for my employer to examine his head, give me a fucking break, if you are going to threaten someone physically when he is less than 100% please be ready to deal with the fucking concequences... I will not be moving on because you are trying to force me out the fucking door, but you opened up a can of worms, i can go to the fucking labour board with this and the ministry of children services and you wouldn't have to worry about me having a job, you'd be out of one too... tread lightly motherfucker.. I know my rights... and More than that i KNOW THE KIDS RIGHTS TOO... I used to be one of them.
Current Mood: Pissed Off.
Current Music: Megadeth - Die Dead Enough
Here in the bathroom with me are razor blades. Here is iodine to drink. Here are sleeping pills to swallow. You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be. Every time you don’t throw yourself down the stairs, that’s a choice. Every time you don’t crash your car, you reenlist.
Current Mood: Pissed Off.
Current Music: Megadeth - Die Dead Enough
Here in the bathroom with me are razor blades. Here is iodine to drink. Here are sleeping pills to swallow. You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be. Every time you don’t throw yourself down the stairs, that’s a choice. Every time you don’t crash your car, you reenlist.