I am sick fo all the preparations i have to make for the upcoming battle, I'm sick of playing the scenes back and forth in my mind and trying to figure out what I did in this world to deserve this,I am sick of friends who come and go in my life with a sense of entitlement when the reality is they have never ever done anything for me, My last twelve years of life have been hell, and I myself allowed it to be that way, Some people around me need to take responsibility for their own actions or i will just walk away from them, i am starting to become extremely angry and bitter and It's nice when a friend who has been mooching off me for weeks decides he can afford to go to a bar.. must be nice... but i need to examine my head and see who and what i want in my life and who once again can go by the wayside, I am fighting for my life, my child and my livelihood, there are a lot of people in my life that i don't need around me because of behavior and maybe i need to think closely about who i want to remain as part of my life, the battles only begun..
Current Mood: Annoyed.
One of the horrors of hell is the undying memory of a misspent life.
Current Mood: Annoyed.
One of the horrors of hell is the undying memory of a misspent life.