It is getting fucking ridiculous when it is becoming very clear to me and those around me that i am fighting a creative fiction, and fighting an illusion is very fucking hard, I will win out in the end but it is insanity to be fighting something that is a creative work of fiction and it is becoming very clear to everyone involved except for the delusional one... It's going to be a very sad day when certain mother fucking people realize that they have blindly followed a storyteller and her carefully crafter work of fiction and attempted to destroy a solid relationship, that being said.. at the end of the day it has, and always will be about about Him and no One else, It's not about revenge or anger or anything from my perspective. our bond is strong and the actions of a greedy and jealous person cannot take that away from us, yes i will admit it may take some time to repair but I do have plans for that.. but you cannot destroy the love a father has for his child, and I will die before I will go away, No matter whatever threat or intimidation is put before me... I will also stand up strong for my rights to protect him and to protect other children, I will clear my name and no bullshit machinations will ever stop me, I worked to long and too hard to have a creative fiction destroy everything i worked for in this life, I will not go down without a fight, No matter how long it takes.
Current Mood: Determined.
He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.