Today was a victory but not a good day for my mind space... I am analyzing it all my head and the more i think about it the angrier i get but you know what, today was a space, you're goddamn right i was pissed off about what was said to me but you know what this battle isn't about being flamebaited by someone with the mentality of a child... wait.. no... gotta give children more credit than that, today i was flamebaited by someone with the mentality of a mental patient, and that's where she deserves to be... yes i was angry but i held it within and didn't get frustrated by it, i cannot be consumed by rage because then that rage will define me and my actions, and I am so much better than that, when other's are proving that they are not it's still time for me to prove otherwise... today i did just that.
Current Mood: Frustrated, Angry.
Silence Is a Weapon and Speaks Volumes about Character.