Another day, more Nonsense, there is no reason for the fucking nonsense to continue but of course this is a personal attack involving the government so I have to go thru the fucking motions and deal with someone who is so full of fucking shit her eyes are brown, actually their green but that's besides the point, the sad fact of the matter is I am completely transparent and have nothing to hide yet apparently other people do have something to hide, so they need to hide it... I am sick of this world and the fact of where things are going, it's about time things fucking changed... the system is a decaying dead shell and it only serves to protect it's own fucking interests and those of which it deems worthy, but of course that's the way things are. there is no point in getting angry or depressed over this shit because it's just the way things are and it's a very fucking easy way for someone to destroy me... of course, if she's going to do that, let her drag me all the way down, i'm already in hell, there's not much farther i can go.
Current Mood: Angry.
Hatred is a cold fire, and it gives no warmth.