Sick of this, it's all a game and it's all about whatever her imagination can create, There are easier ways to destroy a man but constantly changing your fucking story and trying to destroy me will never work, I am stronger than you will ever be.. and this is one of the things that I can prove, You can only slow me down but never ever set me back, To do that you'd have to fucking KILL me, and that will never happen,I am so much stronger than you, this has never been about whatever happened between us, This has always Been about our child, That's all it's about. It's time for the madness and the games to stop, it's time for you to be exposed and It's time for me to stop hurting so fucking much...If i am hurting this much I wonder how much that Little boy is hurting inside, You caused this, You alone... and as your little fantasy crumbles I hope that you get exactly what you deserve, I have No fear of Hell as I have lived it on this earth at your hand... you owe a debt however, And he will come collecting One Day.
Current Mood: Angry, Depressed, Determined.
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.