I have come to a realization that there is a need for me to take care of me and certian freinds and hangers on need to be exised from my life. I am aware that the politics at work are part of the problem and I am feeling like I should be saying something on issues and things that happen but i don't, there is the whole fact even as lousy as it is I need the job, or another one. I have to start doing and and making decisions for me and worrying how so called freinds and/or co-workers might react... got the schedule at work agian and agian i am being walked all over in terms of my needs... my job should not be affecting my son the way it has.. of course in someone else's eyes obviously that relationships not important.... when i give notice i certianly hope he's not surprised when i cite the fact that my weeekends have been sacrficed too often as a reason why.
Current Mood: frustrated.
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.