I am probaly going to sound like a marxist but the cure for boredom is work, wait.. I am a marxist... lol. anyways, a good morning at work led to a few more hours today so i have just enough time to update the blog and go back to work... so i'm pretty happy about that and things are indeed changing so this is a very good sign, i'm liking the direction my life is taking me i just need to expand on my adventures and things I want and need in this life and not let the depressing crap or a slow day get me down, i'm starting to think about some of the influnecnes in my social circle and who needs to be no longer there... i have some good supports but there are some toxic elements too... i think i get dragged down and get depressed more when i am hanging out with said toxic elements so maybe i should rid myself of them, the last few weeks have revealed I am happier when they aren't around... of course i haven't been drinking or hanging out downtown as much.. this is probaly a sign of the toxic elements i have allowed into my life that i need to wean myself from.
Current Mood: Happy.
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.