The plans are being formulated and I am soon going to be taking the fate that has been decreed for me by another out of her hands, it's time for me to decide the man I am going to be, No more cowering in fear from the authority, it's time to prove her wrong.. it's time to demolish her false pretense aided by the government, because the minute they find her unfit for drinking or something else you know the person she will come crying to, of course I will simply turn my back on her and say you did this to yourself, in seeking to destroy me i wonder how much damage you have done to that which matters most... In my world and in my vision the ultimate thing you could have done was involve the system for a petty victory... (and trust me it is a very small fucking Victory.) i am starting to see the world thru a new set of eyes and all the demons and experiences i have suffered thru will one day prove useful, sooner than most... it's time for you to feel the way i have for the last little while... the uncertainty, the fear of the system, i know the system and I know how to fight it and clear my name.. it's time for me to start working on that.
Current Mood: Angry.
Current Music: Dance Of Death, Iron Maiden
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.