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Judge Death.

One is getting to the point where wallowing in despair and not doing anything is accomplishing little.. it's time to get on the fucking offensive and start making lives hell, just as my life has been torn apart... feeling the fact that in this battle i have never felt more truly alone than i do right now, even tho i know i have supports, the worst of it is on the weekends because i should be sitting at home watching him sleep or play Nintendo instead of wandering the streets because i feel lost inside and the more time i spend at home surrounded by his things the darker and angrier my thoughts become, when everything has been taking from you it is very easy to fall into old habits but for the moment i am trying to hold my head up and stop from drowning in my own dark thoughts.... sometimes it would have been easier to walk away but I'm not built like that.. and it's time for me to take control of my own life and make people answer... because i will not go down without a fight....

Current Mood: Depressed, Tired.
The best manner of avenging ourselves is by not resembling she who injured us; and it is hardly possible for one man to be more unlike another than he that forbears to avenge himself of wrong is to her who did the wrong.


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