I am fucking done being intimidated by anyone,including agents of my ex wife's choosing, you have done your damage and now it's time for me to battle and fight and clear and restore my fucking name... I am not going to be intimidated anymore, i spent the summer being intimidated and depressed, it's time for me to move forward and if i need to be I'll be the fucking intimidating one, this is all about intimidation anyways so it doesn't go back to court and she doesn't have to have a lawyer and spend money, yeah, like that's going to be my desired outcome, let's see you cost me my job, my career possibly and my summer with my boy... you think maybe I'm gonna want to fight you even harder? this old dog has teeth, it's time to bare em. I don't have time to play games and wait and be patient anymore, I spent the whole summer being depressed and came way to close to killing myself for me not to fight very hard and very angry agianst everyone that has conspired to destroy my life, i will have ultimate vindication and i will not let a petty woman who wants me to have nothing to do with my life, including the child we share together destroy everything i have worked very hard over the last 15 years to attain... It's time for battle... it's time to win.
Current Mood: Determined.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.
Only strong personalities can endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it.