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Blood on Your Hands IV: The War XXXIX

Upset? Is that the word? I used to get upset. When I got a flat tire, when a plane was delayed. I used to get *upset* when the Yankees won the series. So if that's what upset means, what am I feeling now? If you know the word, tell me because I don't.

Things without souls don't get hell.

You can't Kill what's already dead inside...i Stare into the blackness and can't conceive in any possible fucking alternate universe, destiny or reality where i would have had your back if things had been different, you are a corpse, breathing but completely Empty without a soul or anything that would make you a humnan being...I've always thought that i was darkest and most corrupted person that i know, but i stand corrected because you don't have darkness... you are just absolute evil supporting an evil that is as great as you, I think maybe once upon a time one day i could have forgiven the first act of betrayal, you were just doing what you thought in your misguided fucking mind what was right to protect your child and eliminate me from his life so you're life could be easier and less conflict filled... but this second act of betrayal I cannot abide.. it's not me that and My son that you have betrayed with this.. it was your own Fucking mother and her memory... this proves to me that you are a soulless creature.. a human being wouldn't do this.. hell a noble demon wouldn't do this.. you are something fucking lower... Far fucking Lower... you will be judged... and that judgement will not come from any kind of human tribunal, i hope that one day you will be prepared for that. I have made peace with my sins and know exactly where the fuck I am going... But you won't going there... the deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and Mutineers and you don't even deserve that, Things with Souls get hell.... Thing's without souls don't even deserve that.... you deserve nothingness...

In certain extreme situations the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy it is necessary to act outside the law to pursue natural justice.

Mother is the word for God on the lips and hearts of all children. Do you understand?

God is going to sit this one out..

There was a time i considered walking away and leaving the battle...but that was before i found out about the blood that stains your hands and will be something you can never Wash away... the blood from you and from your mother than courses thru my son's veins... me genetically i have no connection other than that little boy.. but whatever poison flows thru my veins is less corrupted than the Blood on your hands... Your bastard brother is No longer a relation, as are you, there is only one person in your world that means anything to me, the one person i will never stop fighting for...Ever. I know now Whatever pain i have suffered, whatever pain i will suffer is nothing compared to everything that you have forced to that child to endure... Right now I have one attitude to all Involved, Stand with me, Stand against me, or stand the fuck out of my way.... that goes for everyone Involved, The lawyer, The supposed friends who have supported me except when i make a decision that they don't like.. It's been four years of battle in this hell, and Two since you committed the ultimate sin of betrayal, not just against me, Not just against your child, But against you're own fucking family... for that I give you No quarter, not in this life, Not in the next. you do not deserve the title of Mother, you betrayed your own, for what? a soulless piece of shit that has done but cause trauma for your family since the day he was fucking born, This would be so much easier if I didn't understand the Family dynamic between you and him, but sadly I do understand the exact family dynamic, I remember where we were Christmas day 2000 picking his fucking goof ass out of prison, The first time i met your fucking peice of shi brother was a day he was released from Prison, a place that he belonged...a place he needs to die in now.. Creatures like that deserve to be fucking caged for the rest of their fucking lives.. they deserve death within those walls. you however will have your own prison, a prison inside your mind.. you will have to Live with your actions, for the rest of your life and sadly for the rest of that little boys he will also have to live with your actions, with the blood on your hands... you're sins have affected him, of that I am convinced, which is more than enough reason for me to never back down, because as much as i can, i cannot stand aside and walk away, I will not have raised alone by you and adapt your twisted fucking values..... even if i am to fall away and die, there are others behind that will lift my fucking sword and prevent him from your corruption... but this is my battle. one that will not stop even with my death... you will not win, after all that has transpired i would be neglect in my duties to that little man if i did anything but continue to fight, too much blood is on your hands to ever let him down.... I won't. I made that promise to him a long time ago that i would always be there, that i would always be his Daddy, and that No one, Not you, Not the twisted family you come from, Not the Corrupt Creatures of the Children's aid socieites, Not the broken and twisted family court system, Not anyone would ever stop me from being his father. Not for a second, Not once, not Ever.

Vengeance is an excuse for failure. I do not seek vengeance.

It's time to let the darker side of me come out and play, I am a mean fucking man and when i need to be i can be the most intimidating angry motherfucker, Scarier than i have ever been, but of late, I am angrier than I have ever been, How dare you allow this hell to be endured by my fucking son. It's time for people in this world to see my true fucking rage and deal with me unrestrained, No patience, No surrender and no quarter.... No until the goddamn battle is done, Not until this battle Is won. I don't care anymore.. My Eye's are black.. Just like my soul.. At least I know I still have one.. it's time to save his.. by any means necessary.

Current Mood: Angry.
Current Music: Blackened, Metallica

Come on god, answer me. for years I'm asking why, why are the innocent dead and the guilty alive? Where is justice? Where is punishment? Or have you already answered, have you already said to the world here is justice, here is punishment, here, in me.

He was already dead. He died a year ago, the moment he touched her. They're all dead. They just don't know it yet.


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