I’m not going to be the one to fucking save you from the drama in your life. I’m busy trying to finding peace in my own life and you disturb that. I am willing to listen but the rules are apparently written. You may hate that I have the control and the power back. But there is a fucking reason it exists and why I have that power over you. That’s our agenda. You’re move.
I’m never gonna back down one iota. I never have. You know this better than anyone. We may be broken. But I’m used to being broken, I just made a choice for myself and my mental health. The rest is up to you. But Tick tock time is running out, and I have you to a timeline.
I’ve spent the last two decade’s wanting to fix this for reasons that have nothing to do with my emotions. But I’m done being the one, I was always happy being your fucking villain. A honest enemy is just as good as a lover. At least pretend to be one or the other.
I hate being being in limbo with you. I’m going to force and answer and I’ll just be fine and move away and find someone else to be if you say no. Have no doubt about that. I know who I am and who you are. And it doesn’t Matter how at peace I am, I know you aren’t. And that’s what I’m waiting on. I don’t want to complicate you, but that moment comes soon where I draw a line in the sand and then you decide.
Or I am fucking done.