We are getting closer to the fucking truth and what you’re eventual endgame is. Don’t you think it’s a decade too late? You pushed me away when you needed me the most. And you wonder why I reject you when there is simply something more interesting happening in my life.
We always end every conversation with the same questions. And my most hated enemy considers me her constant, her rock. The fact you dealt a huge hand tonight.. you showed me true Color’s. That was worth the lack of sleep.
You gave up any influence in my life twenty two years ago this morning. That was your choice. Had we made it to Montreal instead I probaly would have asked you to marry me then… but you made you choice and our lives have remained shattered every second after.
You’re mental mindgames finally made sense. And in the back of my mind I always knew this was the only emotional answer. Because you need a bigger monster in your life than the actual ones.
The difference is that I’ve always been your monster. At your control. Especially to protect my precious blood.
If it means I have to make some people fear me again, so be it. I always end up most interesting at my most intimidating.