If i hadn't suspected that you had a recreational drug use problem before you're new asshole boyfreind confirms my suspions, how far under the bar did you had to search to find him, rule one.) if your a fucking douchebag do not try to be my fucking freind, esp. when you hang out with her and have more access to my son than i do, two.) what the fuck are you smoking when you are dating a shirtless dick that's about 55 years old and looks like a cross between robert plant and cocaine dealer, I'm assuming this is exactly how you want to present yourself as a role model for our son, that's ok he knows who the better parent is anyways, karma's a bitch so i'm sorry about your foot, but you should really not be drinking and doing whatever else you were doing with the new cocaine addled boyfreind, I mean you must have really scraped the bottom of the barrel with him, of course he probaly feeds your habit, Wonder what would happen if you were asked to take a piss test these days...
With your bitch slap rappin'
And your cocaine tongue
You get nuthin' done
....and your continuing mindgames towards my son are even more disturbing, I mean telling him you love me a little bit and telling him he might have a real little brother or sister (which means the last time i checked both of his biological parents...) and then there's the whole you're gonna get married to this new idiot? what do you plan to get married the minute some new asshole spreads your fucking legs? stop being a whore and grow up, he's almost 7 for christ's sakes, he's getting wise to your games.. at least he knows when i have him 100% of my time and attention is devoted to him and his likes and desires....
Current Mood: Pissed off, Depressed, Angry
Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist