I am sick of justifying doing one thing while having to sacrifice other things just so i can afford to keep my head above water, if it were truly up to me i'd just sign myself into a hostel and have the city take care of me for a few months, if i was an alcoholic drug addict that was homeless i would be treated better than an upstanding citizen who is getting fucked around by his nameless employer... it's time for a big change, if that means making a step back somewhere, maybe that's what's needed, my trust level is zero and if my life is becoming something in which every day is a struggle for survival, then it's time for something better, something diffrent, not half hour arguments with beuracracts that don't know anything more than i do and have maybe, if their lucky the same level of education i do.
Current Mood: Angry.
Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope