....And the politics begin agian, I have asked for one fucking thing in my entire year and a half tenure with this fucking job, I just need the Friday and Saturdays I have my son off, how fucking complicated is that to understand? Also how hard can it be to get a job with this mickey mouse organization, i mean it turns out the brand new hire is getting 88 hours? Doesn't loyalty mean anything anymore, i doubt it, of course if I end up back in Niagara soon I'll have a full time job to comfort me and more time with my son anyways, no wonder i've redevoloped my drinking problem on days off, esp. when i have a shift taking away from me due to the result of poor planning..... which happens more than they'd like to admit. it's time to examine my options hardcore....it's time for some drastic measures... I've already decided i'm growing my hair out long until i get another job, if i'm not respected at my job why don't i just treat it as something I just have to do until something better comes along, it's not they won't let me go whenever they feel like it... may 24 right after my vacation was a great example of that... I'd rather be hater and feared than liked anyways, might as well make whatever the rest of this position will become.
Current Mood: Annoyed.
I got an F and a C and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like you