Back to the same place where i have been questioning for many months, i have truly became what i was brought up to be. the world is such a small place, raised in a group home and sadly dying every day stagnant in a group home, there is nothing that has changed in the system in 20 years, I can't see tommorow out there anymore, is it any wonder that certian things have just become solutions to other problems.. thinking of a future that will not come, i don't feel there is any room for advancement where i am, I don't feel that the clients are treated correctly or with any security, it's a revolving door of staff without any contuinity of care, i feel today i am going back into a day one sitaution to meet a bunch of new clients that have no connection to me or the program, I am blind to deal with their issues and have no idea what to expect, welcome to the plight of the unforgiven. It's pretty sad that i half expect to be dealing with the same issues politically within a month due to the fact we are over worked and underpaid and these kids are societies forgotten, even by my superiors.. then agian what else should i expect, they left me hanging without any income for over 2 months and there is the whole point of me still waiting on fucking paperwork, and being expected to go to court to testify to a lie, that will not happen i have ethics and morals, the only thing i will go to court for is to tell the fucking truth, plain and simple.
Current Mood: Conflicted.
The pressures of being a parent are equal to any pressure on earth. To be a conscious parent, and really look to that little being's mental and physical health, is a responsibility which most of us, including me, avoid most of the time because it's too hard. - John Lennon