I am at a real crossroads at the job and my status as the full time night guy, It is getting clear to me that I am only on the night shift so that someone relibale and long term is on that shift, because let's face it, I'm not going anywhere in a fucking hurry.. It's pretty evident i am carrying the buttload of the workload when certian people are letting the kids do things that are obvuisly counter productive to behavior, I.E. restricted movies to children with fragile Pyches, and then blaming the staff that called them on it when one of the kids has a breakdown over watching the movie, other little things re bothering me there too... it's pretty sad that the Boss is on vacation and the supervisior is leaving which leaves me as the defacto go to guy, and I don't even give a shit...decisions are being made with no accountabilty because I'll come in on the night shift and clean everything up for the next morning. I don't feel supported at the job at all and My opinions and decisions don't seem to matter, the hours are started to affect everything else becaus I no longer have the fucking energy to do anything else afterwards, and I Have to pull myself out of sleep just to get anything done during daylight hours, I'm naturally noctural by nature but this is getting ridiculous and the lack of energy is getting to me.
Current Mood: Depressed.
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.