No more drinking with asshole freinds who owe me money and get stupid when loaded and want to fight everyone and everything, I need to find better coping mechanisms than staring down a bottle every time i have a night off and No little man, at least if i'm going to enjoy myself maybe i should go to a bar where no one knows me and I can relax with my thoughts rather than dealing with assholes who call themselves freinds but are really only there to take advantage of hospitality, No longer do i want to use my hard earned money to entertian these people who would never be there for me if I needed them < i really hate hamilton and am questioning why I remain here, at least in other cities I have good freinds that i have known for years and are loyal to me, what's here? memories? one good freind that i hardly see enoughof because we both have kids? there's not much compelling me to stay in hamilton, it's just a black hole and I don't see a future here... or anywhere.
Current Mood: Distant.
Being drunk is a good disguise. I drink so I can talk to assholes. This includes me.