Public school shouldn't be a place for politics> i think i can understand now why the ex has so many problems with the people she works with and why she is so miserable, it is very clear to me that certian students, I.E. the kids not from lower class and broken homes that can afford to pay for programming get priority, and no one really cares about the others as long as they are kept quiet and out of peoples hair... there are some really deserving kids in my group but because of the actions of the others rightly or wrongly the are all painted with the same brush and my being chewed out by a prinicple is just bullshit when i haven't done anything wrong except speak to someone he asked me to speak to... of course i am now aware she's a shit disturber and i will no longer speak to her.. if she has an issue or the other person playing politics in the program that's paid for they can go to the principal because i am no longer enganging them in conversation so that my words can be used agianst me politically... it's about the kids not about petty diffrences and program conflicts.
Current Mood: Angry.
If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size?