Are you seriously fucking kidding me? you want to move to vancouver or victoria with my son and have yours truly tag along because You're fed up with your crappy life here, I hate my life and my job but I'm strong and stubborn to enough to wait for things to get better, you agian acting like a spoiled child, you're probaly single agian and feeling old and realizing there are only two people in this world that will ever love you unconditionally regradless of your bullshit, ones a product of whatever we had and the other is his father. i think you're feeling me out to see if i'm willing to party like it's 2001 agian, here's the thing, I don't know If i love you in a way to sacrfifice everything I am agian, and there's not really any reason for me to change my life, things worked out alright in the end for me and i have some measure of peace here, of course I'd be happier in Windsor but it's because of the two of you but mostly Him i returned to Niagara region and have stayed in the 905, maybe one day you will grow up and figure your shit out, but I'm not entertianing any of your nonsense fantasies until you realize how deeply you have damaged me and realize that you're not fucking 17 anymore, you're actions affect other people a lot, yes this feels like you're reaching out but for once i'm not at the abyss with my hand out ready to grab your hand... you can't pull me into the abyss that is your black soul anymore...
Current Mood: Conflicted.
Current Music: The Evil that Men Do, Iron Maiden
Simply put, you believe that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy.