I don't know how long it took me to finally be fed up with this fucking job and the lack of everything at it, but this morning was one of the fucking worst days yet.. it's pretty sad when i feel that my co-worker's backbite and backstab but when i get a clinet doing the same thing and trying to get rid of me by using office politics and office innuendos to attack me when i'm trying to get him ready for the day.. it's tiring.. i can almost pimpoint the day I lost my passion for this job....I went away to see my freinds and came back recharged and ready to deal with the bullshit and found myself laid off... right now i'm Wishin i had stayed unemployed, i don't feel supported at all, i don't feel I'm making any kind of positive diffrence in these kids lives and I don't feel the situation is going to improve itself.
Current Mood: Angry.
Every time you get angry, you poison your own system