I hope I am just being paranoid but I am seeing signs of something not quite right at home, Destroying toys by pulling off their limbs and hiding them under the covers in the bottom of the bed concerns me greatly... I swear If I find out he is being abused I will fucking lose it. What is the point of being who i am if the other half who i chose to spend my life with only to have her slice my heart out thru my back let's this happen? Go figure, the cycle continues even if I cannot be there to prevent it.. fuck you'd have figured seeing how she knows i was Abused that she would be vigilant about it, but of course not she's too self involved.. we are merely possesions, But If my suspecions are true and It's not all just my fucking head I will annhailate her. I don't like suspicious bruises either. this shit shoudl not be happeneing in my own fucking home... It's time to take the rose coloured glasses off and look around, because something just isn't right... The blame isn't falling on me for giving him ADHD, there's something more to it and i suspect you know, and that's the part that both concerns and scares me.. grow Up and fucking deal with it, because if I have to i will deal with you.
Current Mood: Suicidal, Homicidal, Depressed.
You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.