I have spent the entire weekend being angry and depressed over the fact that i am working a two jobs and neither one of them is bringing happiness due to the fact that one is warehousing kids and not allowing for enough freedoom, when you have someone so concerened about the bottom line that you in effect rationing food to the kids and making staff feel responsible for said rationing, that's disgusting, I know the nutrutional food guide, i will give them good servings not what my employer says to do to save a buck... I'm not in this job to make money and when you are paying someone minimum wage you really shouldn't be expecting them to ration food and supplies to kids who are getting the worst possible kind of care. Of course this is why I don't think I'm going to see year 3 in hamilton or at that organization. It also doesn't help when politics are being played to force us out of my other employment that up until the middle of last week was aside from my son the solitary thing in my life I looked forward too.. but If i'm gonna be the bad guy and have those kids lives affected I'll quit, and be the bully, and be the bad guy, I'm sick of people trying to extert their authority over others just because people aren't on the same wavelengths or have the same goals in mind. It should be about the health, wellbeing and safety of the kids not petty diffrences, then agian, this is hamilton it's to be expected. not much has changed since i was in grade school.
Current Mood: Angry.
I never work better than when I am inspired by anger; when I am angry, I can write, pray, and preach well, for then my whole temperament is quickened, my understanding sharpened, and all mundane vexations and temptations depart