So anyways, march break isn't a complete clusterfuck, i may actually have some time with my kid anyways...and a few days away from the insanity at work will help as well, it's too bad that things always end up working themselves out at the last minute, seems like that's the story of my life, confusing as hell until it all comes together, go figure, i am feeling a little better at work when i have a positive convo with someone who i had thought had it out for me, when he tells me I'm a good worker and it's just the fact we butt heads because of our personailties sometimes and then shakes my hand after I feel really good and positive evn tho the job get's me down sometimes, maybe i should be like him and approach it less personally, these kids are fucked up sometimes, maybe i can't fix em, at least i can try, but maybe taking it home is a bad idea.
Current Mood: Happy.
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.