I am starting to feel as a mere placeholder in my place of employment, i no longer feel my opinions are valid or an important member of the team, I felt the staff meeting today is more about damage control than anything else and I'm feeling worn out by the idea that the politics are overtaking the need to actually help these kids, i don't want to be sacrifing my ethics for a paycheck anymore, it's time to find something else, I should have my son this weekend and I don't because of the considerations of other's are more important than me, a years loyalty doesn't seem to mean shit, but that's the way things are, it's all about the image and apperance of doing something and appearing to be making positive change rather than actually doing it.
Currrent Mood: Frustrated.
You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.