Nothing like an 8 am call at work to disintergrate into an argument, I feel so supported by you In terms of my work, i think it might be time to reevaluate our custody agreement.. you are obviously trying to run intereference with my carreer so you can have me safe and sound and under your control, the only problem with that is that I broke free from your mind games and control over 5 years ago and althought I hurt when he's not around you have no affect on me whatsoever other than the minor bouts of anger. It's nice to see the revolving door of assholes continues, such a good example for our child, like I said, when he grows up it won't be me that he hates. I am starting to make serious changes about my work schedule to accomadfate him as this is ridiculous you leaving things till the klast minute to only cancel a weekend visit, by the way i'm fully expecting a text on wednesday or thursday of you telling me you'll be away till friday, I love your mindgames and how you play them, of course Ultimately the person you are hurting isn't me, like why the fuck he had to wait for His Xmas present till now is beyond me, if you didn't want it or have the room at your house why didn't you just say so he could have had the damn thing at my apartment, Of course, i forgot, coherent thought takes intelligence and you're too busy spreading your legs for everyone to ever think. of course, i'm too busy raising other people's children to care or have an emotional stake in how you raise our's don't I? you have exactly what you want, me out of the picture. ever think about how that might be affecting his little mind..... no... because you don't think, he's a possesion nothing more, same as I used to be.
Current Mood: Pissed off and Depressed.
The divorced person is like a man with a black patch over one eye: He looks rather dashing but the fact is that he has been through a maiming experience.