My nights are becoming more and more sleepless as I am becoming more and more haunted by the fact that my child is going without and this kids that don't respect me seem to be getting more and more of my time, 97 hours in the last 2 weeks, that's a bit ridiclous, my teeth hurt and my pateince level is at an all time nil, while things seem to be inproving at work in terms of co-worker relationships i am starting to wonder about how respected I am by mangement and If i should really be out there being someone who will shovel the shit and take all the shifts i'm willing to take based on the fact that i don't feel respected and it is taking time away from my little one, don't mind me today, just miserable, march break and no kid, and I know I'm part of the problem.
Current Mood: Frustrated.
Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit. I am a rock. A jerk. I'm an uncaring asshole and proud of it.