I don't know what's cooler, the fact that my son has a jay garrick (golden age flash) action figure or the fact that his mother not me has actually allowed him to have the same interest in superheros that i have always let him have. I'm surpriased because usually anything that even remotely reminds her of me she dislikes, but whatever he's a kid, we are just hanging out for the last few days of march breek and he's being a very good little boy, which is awesome. we watched cloudy with meatballs today and had lunch at mcdonalds. we are thinking of fish and chips for dinner but i haven't decided yet, he's such a happy kid, prettty awesome he has awhole set of Dc Infinite heros. he also likes to draw on his Ds which is kinda cool, I'm gonna get him reading some of the books he got for xmas tonight when we finally make it home.There are as few things as satisying in my life than my six year old son sitting in a library reading comic books quietly, which he is doing right now.
Current Mood: Cheerful.
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.