I will be glad when my night shift tonight is over, it feels like i have been going and going and going for over a month... do i really have so little time these days to relax? I haven't felt this burned out since exam week first year of university, of course i wasn't working 12 hour shifts and having my teeth pulled in University either, maybe i should have been, i am really missing Windsor, and i am waiting for the chance to go back. I would love to feel better from this surgery and the root canals to be able to go when i have a huge fucking chunk of time at the end of the month, but as with all my wishes it probaly won't fucking happen. I need my pharmatcuticals, but i have this stupid straight edge mentality when it comes to work to not have my mind clouded by anything but fucking pain when I go in, why can't they just make a drug that makes you smile and all happy when dealing with pain and other peoples bullshit?
Current Mood: in pain.
Tooth fairies. Black Forest. They feed mostly on calcium. Bones, skin, organs. There are no remains, because there are no leftovers. All these things do is eat, and eat, then poop, then eat agian. But they do usually go after the teeth first. Hence, "tooth fairies."