It is fairly obvious to me as well as everyone else around me the transformer's experiment is almost done... i am deeply disturbed by the fact that i am being cut out of the loop and being reimbuirsed finacaly for all the effort, i am basiclly looking at this weekend as the end... after that I will take what's mine and walk away and have this dialectic choas at an end.. it's not worth the stress anymore... the whole fucking point of leaving things to the last minute and then trying to pay me to have everything ready and walk away without the real finacal benefits of the weekend is not only an insult it makes all the sacrifices and all the work of the last year pointless, i will see this thing to the end of the weekend and enjoy the one thing that is left for me to enjoy, after that it will be done... i need my life back, this neccaasary evil has run it's course and it's time to find something else, i don't want something that started as innocently as selling my children's things to become a bigger albatross around my neck then it already has been, it's time to end this... it's time to finish this game and deal with the other issues in my life, instead of some other selfish idiot's distraction, my blood and sweat and effort do not come cheap.
Current Mood: Pissed Off.
Current Music: Megadeth, Bite the Hand.
Bad bloods aren't born evil or dangerous. We are taught to be, but only because we have to if we want to survive.
Current Mood: Pissed Off.
Current Music: Megadeth, Bite the Hand.
Bad bloods aren't born evil or dangerous. We are taught to be, but only because we have to if we want to survive.