it's not enough to have ideals and keep doing your job as good as you can do it when No is supporting you and making a bad problem worse, Nothing like sparing the rod and letting the client rot spoiled, these kids need direction and routine, it's been months and finally when the shit's really hitting the fan and it's affecting the waking hour staff do they finally listen to the night guy who has more experince than the day staff? I can't see a future here when i am carrying more of the load than i need to, I have a personal life i can't work these hours and be expected to do anything but sleep all day, they need to start paying me awake hours if they expect me to be giving 110% at the moment i feel like 75% for mininium wage is more than enough.
Current Mood: Exhausted.
The attainment of an ideal is often the beginning of a disillusion.