I am fucking done with this job at the earliest oppurtunity to remove myself, the inmates run the fucking asylum and at this point it's complete Anarchy, i mean taking 5 fucking handmade weapons off a client, like what the fuck, and the way some staff are dealing with these kids is boredline abusive, the fire inside me for this job has completely gone out, it's fucking time to move on, the Ministry evaluation was a farce, let's clean up the fucking house and make it look all nice and squeaky clean, the fuck? like that's going to fix things, you are merely putting a coat of paint on all the fucking problems and hoping they will go away, things won't change without drastic intervention and if it's not going to happen we are going to get shut down, i truly feel at this point wotrking for this organization is going toleave a black mark on my career, and the longer i work there the longer my carreer swirls the drain, i did not sign on to be A CYW for this, and worse i feel for what's happening to these kids, poor nutituion, poor life skills training, poor everything and a possibly abusive envoirment, it's time to leave before the stink of correuption attaches itself to me, but these kids are getting help to lead a road to nowhere, they won't get the same breaks i had, they will end up homeless, addicted and in jail....
Current Mood: Pissed off, Frustrated.
The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules.