I am getting to the point where I need to be Done with this fucking job, When i feel that there is immenent risk to my safety and to other clients when we have a voilent insomniac client that is up all hours of the night crafting weapons, because of said client i have not slept for over 5 hours in the last 72 hours, and I am not being supported at work at re: this client, I am half tempted to call both the labour board and the child advocacy office because i should not be in a position where I am going to give myself a heart attack due to exhaustion or worse because i am worried about the morning coming and waking up with my throat slit or a client dead at the house, it's not fucking safe and as much as i want my job and like my job i am afriad that given the enviorment that is being provided that something drastic will happen before management finnally wakes up and that changes need to bemade.. i mean is crafting weapons that can kill not enough of a fucking red flag to move this kid? Of course i'm just being paranoid, it's not like I have a little boy to raise or anything, after i'm a mininum wage slave and expendable so the fat cats in management can make their money, I almost asked to be laid off this morning, i'd rather be unemployed and breathing than sacrifice myself for this job, after christmas regardless it's time to move on.
Current Mood: Expendable.
To them, you're just a freak. Like me! They need you right now. But when they don't? They'll cast you out! Like the leper! See, their morals, their code...it's a bad joke! Dropped at the first sign of troubles. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you : when the chips are down, these...theses "civilized" people? They'll eat each other. See I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.