It was nice to actually get some rest last night and this morning without having to worry about everything in this world that's fucking wrong, but that doesn't erase the stain of everything thats wrong in the system, and it doesn't dismniss reactionary assholes and egos at my job, I really need to go into buisness for myself, time to stop hiding in the shadows and become an advocate or something that is fufilling, i am sick of this robot mode lifestyle where the clients are merely warehoused and stupid punishments are meted out even when expectations are followed, everyone has their own feifdoms and ther is no real communication, I am sick of fighting losing battles, it doesn't help when The kids are feral due to poor food choices of their and my overseers, I can't change anything there but i find the lack of rules, the lack of follow thru and the lack of some of their basic rights is understanbly getting to me, and the fact that it has arisen a crisis which is playing heavily on my mind and personal safety and created an enviorment where I am less than 100% because of sleep exhaustion because of a credible threat that was dismissed first hand and I have had to follow up in the long term. enough is enough and it's time for the change, and the first agent of change is inside me.

Current Mood: Rested but Frustrated.
Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger.