There are so many things going on right now but I am feeling that even tho I am at status quo at work and have been described as a lifer there is really no where i need to go there is no point at contuining on at this place, i don't complete agree with the new house's policies and lassiez faire attutide about the way the clients are treated and the bottom line dollar thing is really bugging me, there kids are supposed to be getting as close to a normal life as they can and it's just not happeneing because of many reasons including quility and contuinity of care, and finacal reasons, i mean when we are talking about a few dollars here and there it can get really frustrating, of course until something or someone better comes along i'm stuck but i'm trying to keep positive because it's a good job and it's easy but i feel it's an entry level position and i have evolved past that at this point in my career.
Current Mood: Frustrated.
A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumor.