It's nice to have one of the clients to recently returned from custody ackowledge that in the short time he's know me that he missed me, and considers me family, If i can make a diffrence with him that's all i really need to be fufilled at work, we are trying to do the right things for these kids and to have someone come up to me and have an extended conversation last night like that about it makes a lot of the bueracratic nonsense and the petty politics melt away, I'm still not completely happy at work but little things like this makes some of the animosity of money and bullshit melt away. At least in someone's eyes I am doing the right thing by him so that's all the really makes a diffrence. making a diffrence to one person in this feild is all that really matters to me and the feeling I get when that is acknowleged is awesome.
Current Mood: Happy.
Success, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment - the most priceless of human treasures - are available to all among us, without exception, who make things happen - who make "good" things happen - in the world around them