There is considerable irony in the fact that even tho it is very clear to all party's involved that their are some mental health issues involved that He's safe at home in the authorities opinion... you really got to give your fucking head a shake at this is a fucking false allegation with made up fantasy stories and elements but that's not important because the safety and concerns of the child comes first... i can understand and respect that, but have any professionals really talked to her about her delusions? wait until something happens there and the assholes in charge have egg on their face.. I'm almost convinced at this point that there has been abuse.. but it wasn't by me. she's batshit fucking crazy and i should have made it an issue the first time around as an issue re: custody but of course i didn't and now her insanity is destroying my life, of course it's not just my life she's destroying, I know I play a few cards short of the deck but how the hell can people not see thru her? She lives in a fantasy world and i can fucking prove it... of course It's not really about protecting the innocent is it... welcome to the $y$tem.... I'm almost about to take my mothers advice and go back to the one place where i can't be affected by her bullshit, but to do that right now requires two big sacrifices and neither of which i am willing to give up, I have to see this fucking thing through to the end because I won't eat 100,000 dollars worth of my career and more importantly i am not going to let this crazy woman who is playing with a few cards short of the deck take away my relationship with my son, fuck her... i should have left her be back when i left Welland for Windsor... that way she would be a distant memory and I'd have had a chance for a normal life, except i was drawn back in by her machinations, of course thanks to her own decisions she'll die a spinster and I won't... i refuse to, and have never been fucking defined by who I am with, Only with who I am... as long as i hold onto that I'll be fine.
Current Mood: Depressed.
You're right.I am crazy. But you know what else? I don't give a fuck.
Current Mood: Depressed.
You're right.I am crazy. But you know what else? I don't give a fuck.