I spent my first Christmas with a woman twenty years ago... That woman was you... I never thought that would constantly break my heart the way you do this season for years to come....
I do understand some of the reasons for it, but not all of them and not all of them is forgiven.
I think of you every day and the fact we have a million miles of bad road regarding the holidays doesn't help.
I miss the Christmases we spent together. You'll have that picture soon.
I tried babe, I'll keep trying. You know that.... But I'll do it on my terms. It's done. It's paid for. I should have done it the first Christmas we were together, I know i should have done it the last Christmas we spent together. I think that's why I made it happen this one.
Fuck, I'm lonely without the sound of you're voice in my life today. I miss you. Merry Christmas.