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Showing posts from January, 2007

buried in snow....

at least it looks nice outside... even if it is cold... i've been hibernating getting things prepared for next week, good excuse to stay home and clean the house. Current Mood: Satisfied.


bored out of my freaking skull and it is damn cold down here... i want to go on vacation to some sunny spot... i'll have to get a warm coffee on my way home... at least i live near at timmies and not a starfucks.... things are good.. i have a few more work refernces than i had yesterdayand some jobs are looking up.. Current Mood: Complacent. Current Music: None.

There's a Warning sign on the Road Ahead....

at least today there's a little bit of light.. there's a job uptown i seriously think i can get if i apply for it... gonna try hard for this one... the days are counting down, strangeways here we come... can't stand this goddamn cold, can't go and do anything i want to do, pain in the ass enough to have a smoke outside. i hate snmow, i hate winter, most of all I hate you. i miss windsor, so much nicer there and all my fucking freinds are there.. here fairweather freinds are only around when you got $$$ when you want to hang otherwise they are nowhere to be scene go figure, glad to hear that you like it here,... i don't. Current Mood: Blank, without meaning or purpose. Current Music: Something in the Way, Nirvana


decisions have been made and adhered to. it's time to cut off contact and let the administration handle things. madmen putting innocents in chains with politick, tock away, let them stew. Current Mood: Apathetic, Current Music: Can I Play with Madness, Iron Maiden.

this is the end.. my only freind.. the end....

it's time to withdraw and cut off any and all contact from the outside world... i need to focus inward and forget about the machenenations of men for a while... take care of thyself... i have always felt that being a solitary person in isolation strengthens ones determination... it's time to let momentary distactions and inhumane bullshit be put aside... too many people have delayed my focus as of yet... have to focus on what is truly important and i feel decisions made today will may not be the greatest short term but will pay off in the long term... at least i can be at peace with myself that way.... Current mood: not very fucking happy.

ten years later....

so it's finally over... the Education experiment is over and done with... it's time to move on... i've lost freinds and gained new ones... sometimes the sacrifice of the last few years wasn't worth trying to stay in school... i may not be a 100% success as i had hoped but at least i can walk away without thinking that i did everything wrong... if i hadn't started on the path back then and had the speed bumps i did in the way i wouldn't be the man i am today... and i'd rather be him than anyone else... maybe they're will be a day when all my hopes and dreams are fuffilled but for the moment i am happy with life's little victories... this is the year when all the battles end. happy new year. Current Mood: satisfied.