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Showing posts from December, 2007

Goodbye 2007.

i cannot wait for this year to be over... looks like my hand has been forced and i am done with st. catherines... at least where i am living now... But that's fine... i'm going to get a job and leave.. i needed reasons to leave i have them now... time to improve upon my life... Current Mood:Pissed off but Positive. Happy New Year, here's to a better year.


tonight was awesome and we had a great time, santa came earlier and boy did he ever. it's amazing how one little person and the people he surrounds himself with can change an outlook on life. Current Mood: Positive.

today... is a good day.

things just got a lot less complicated. it is time to move forward with my life and not let the little things drag me down, the end of frustrations. it's time to deal in postivities, after all the better person is always the person willing to agree to disagree and work for the best possible solution. Current mood: Happy and Hopeful for 2008.

Bah Humbug.

it's that time of year agian where everything seems to be caving in... i just want to get thru this stupid holiday and be done with it.. i need a job yesterday, even when i'm trying to do that positively something goes and screws that up. my patience with the organizational systems of control are currently Nil. on a positive note there has been some communication with the embattled front and she is being more co-oparative given the holiday season and the fact we may actually be seeing eye to eye about a few things... here's to a new year full of a lot less bullshit. Current Mood: Headache and frustration with myself.


from today's Pulse Rant Line, Dec. 6th-12 2007. Three Words: Fuck you Dave. wonder who that's directed to. Current Mood: Frustrated.

Scrooged 2007.

i hate greedy poeple around christmas, nothing like hoarding 200$ dollars worth of charity for your kids because this area is so rich and charitable, i'm not complaining... i have a huge C3po figure for my son, it's just disgusting to see people in a charity i have no patience for shit like that. current mood: dismayed,

i'll Sleep when I'm Dead.

man, i'm exhausted... it's been a fucked up weekend... i swear i need to quit scheduling 15 billion job interviews back to back.. so tired.. exhausted.. napping for the rest of the day... same bullshit tommmorow... live while i'm alive, Sleep when i'm dead. Current Mood: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ